Thursday, July 12, 2012

Kansas City!

 Liz and I got back from Kansas City last night! Sadly, I don't have any pictures because I dropped the camera and the memory card popped out and we didn't know how to fix it. I did take pictures of everything I got and I'll post them later.

 Anyways, we will go again sometime because we live fairly close and I'll take some pictures next time.

On to the things we got:

Rebecca's Accessories
Rebecca's Summer Outfit
McKenna's Accessories
Sweet Savannah Dress
McKenna's Performance Set
2-in-1 Ballet Outfit (for $16!)

McKenna, Ready to Fly (the 2nd book which I gave to Liz)
McKenna's Practice Wardrobe
McKenna's Accessories
McKenna's Warm Up Outfit
Kelsey's ears pierced
Birthstone earrings
Pretty and Plaid Outfit
2-in-1 Ballet Outfit
Kansas City T-shirt


  1. Awesome!I would LOVE to get McKenna so she could be twins wuth my MyAG 39 Violet :). Hope you had fun!IS the Kansas City AGP fun? I only went to NY

    1. It was fun. It was very small and we went 4 times and the employees recognized us. :) They were all very nice and I learned from experience that it's easy to return a doll.


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