Monday, October 22, 2012


 You probably don't remember me very well.
I haven't posted in forever.

I took a miniature break from this blog due to some personal issues that have been going on in my life. I'm so sorry if I disappointed anybody that was looking forward to a new post, I've just had a lot going on.

 One of my friends has been bullying me a lot lately. Like, come home crying almost every day after school bullying. I feel so weird posting this, but I feel like I need to. I'm also really scared because if things get worse, she could tell people I. like. dolls.

See why I'm scared?

So anyways, thank you if you read this. That way you know why I've been so busy.
 I haven't even told you guys about my new dolls, unless you look at my signature on the AG Fans Message Board.

Meet Avery (#17)

And Alyssa (#38)

Again, thanks so much if you actually read this. I really don't know if I want to continue blogging or not. I want to, but if things keep going like they are, I really don't know if I can. Just comment if you think I should stay.

<3 Breck Marie


  1. I joined the AGFMB in that looooong time! click on my name for the profile link!

  2. Awww, that's sad that you're getting bullied. If she does say anything to anybody about you liking dolls,just explain that you like them for taking pictures. Even if you do play with them, (WHICH EVERYONE SHOULD DO!!!!!! THEY ARE SOOOOOOO AWESOME!!!!!!!)you aren't lying, you're keeping in personal information. But anyway, STAY!!!!!! You're a great blogger!!!! Also, congrats on the new dolls! They are super pretty!!!


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