Sunday, May 27, 2012

Yay! I finally get some stuff done!

 Okay, so I have been working on several things lately.

#1- I have been taking promo pictures to make into posters for the upcoming series, "Superstar". It's slightly hard because I don't have the main character yet so I can't do anything involving her, but I took several shots for other characters.

#2- I need to decide which dolls to take to the AG store in Kansas City. I definetly know that I'm bringing Kelsey because I'm getting her ears pierced, but I don't know what other doll I should bring.


Option #1- Samantha
Option #2- Emily
Option #3- Nicki
Option #4- Charlotte (a future doll that I might get for my birthday).

Comment below saying "I vote for Option #___" and insert a number in the blank.

#3- If anyone has read the Septimus Heap series by Angie Sage, Liz and I are highly considering doing multiple series/movies from it. It WILL take a while, because we still have to make all of the costumes, I need to find a Lanie for one of the characters, etc. So if you know a cheap Lanie for sale, with meet outfit and headband, please tell me.


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