Friday, April 27, 2012

Time to Meet Us!

Breck looks like a combo of this one- I have this length of hair and side bangs-

  with this color of hair

  and these eyes.

Liz looks like this one

  but she has bangs and her hair isn't as wavy, and she has more freckles.

Writing Contest Voting :)

 I entered the writing contest over at The Doll Wardrobe and I would absolutely love it if you voted for me. Send an email to You can vote for more than one :) and I'm entry #8.
Thanks if you vote!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

A Bit of Shameless Advertising

Okay, I know this isn't a very popular blog or anything, but would any reader somewhere want to buy a pink or blue sparkly tutu? I think I have pictures somewhere on the blog. I bet at least one of my 140-something viewers would probably buy one. If you are interested, I will send the link to the eBay auction.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

I Know....

I know I said the next doll was McKenna, definetly. But I changed my mind. The newest girl (she's sitting next to me as I write this) is Miss Marie-Grace Beth Gardner!!!
I was going to get McKenna's Starter Collection, but I didn't have enough and free shipping ended that day. Hopefully McKenna will be my birthday present :)

And also, sorry for not posting. I've been very busy lately.